The word “more” is used every day. More time, more money, only if I had more….
- Do you ever wonder what ENOUGH means to you and your family?
- How might this positively change your behavior?
- Would you adjust your habits or create new ones?
- Would you be more excited with short term wins than the long term dread of chasing more?
- Is it possible your relationships with family and money may work better when you have clarity and a plan?
At Flowerstone Financial we begin with the question, “How may we help you”? This tends to lead into a personal discussion on the priorities and goals that are unique (and important) to you. We listen and ask questions – a lot of questions. There may be questions you have thought about, yet never verbalized the answer. You may have other questions that cause you to slow down and think about what your “tomorrow” might look like.
Money, and your decisions related to its management, are ingrained at an early age. For better or for worse, we are all a product of our parents and, to some degree, have inherited “mom and dad’s” approach to handling money and our views on debt. Understanding that background allows for a more productive dialogue on money and spending. By adding purpose to what you are saving, spending, living and giving (to yourself and those you care for) often creates a sense of peace and calm. This can help with less worry, less anxiousness, and a lot less adverse reactions. Successful professionals and families are consistently acting on a plan and avoid reacting whenever possible.
At Flowerstone Financial we seek to understand the person first and then their goals on what they want to accomplish. Only then can we truly be helpful in creating a plan that’s customized around you.
Who we work with:
Chances are, if you’re reading this, you may likely have been introduced to our firm by a family member, co-worker, or friend. All of our clients have been introduced to us from someone they like and trust. And, chances are good that you also live in Northern Virginia, DC, or Bethesda area. This is where our clients work, live, and hustle around before retiring to a warmer climate with less traffic! All of our relationships begin in person. We feel that meeting face-to-face is an important step in building trust together.
Getting to know you and your family first is vital to our long term success together. Yes, your ‘financial house’ is important too, and we’ll get to the details of what you own and owe as part of our work together. We seek “cool” people who proactively want a first (or second) opinion on their approach to planning and strategy. We define “cool” as folks we’d invite over to the house for a Sunday afternoon barbeque. When you’re ready, we’d be happy to chat with you. Ryan.
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Advisory services through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Flowerstone Financial are not affiliated. Cambridge does not offer tax or legal advice.

1900 Reston Metro Plaza, Suite 600
Reston, Virginia 20190
Give Ryan a Call: 571-489-7181
Give Taylor a Call: 571-489-7186