I don’t know about you, but I believe our pets are truly benefiting the most from all our social distancing.  We’re all at home doing our best to balance our lives, keep our kids engaged in some form of learning, and attempt to be moderately productive with our work.  All of this is challenging, for sure.

Don’t tell my dog that, she’s totally crushing it!  She wakes up every morning to a better routine with extra-long walks through the neighborhood.  With every walk comes the expectation of treats, she loves them.  Most days, she’d have the house to herself but now, she’s now following us around room by room.  If she could talk, she’d likely say “shouldn’t you be somewhere else right now?”  Spending the day inside and outside repeatedly is complete dog nirvana!

My dog has never been happier than the past three weeks.  I think she is smiling more and that’s great because we can all use some more smiles right now😊!


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